Christ the Lord is risen today,
Sons of men, and angels say;
Raise your joys and triumphs high!
Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply!
Let the tune of this Easter song beam your hearts, as Our Risen Lord lives among us. Let’s announce His resurrection, when in Paschal Liturgy under the signs and symbols himself He comes and comforts His disciples. On His way to Emmaus He is seen by his disciples, when He breaks bread for them.
For this Easter season of celebrating His resurrection, I wish everyone could see the risen Jesus Christ in everyday life and be able to live according to His power.
A happy and joyous Easter I wish to the editor Rev. Adam Galek and his staff here in Chicago, as well as the staff writers in Poland and all readers of the Polish Catholic Weekly Magazine „Niedziela”.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
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